SuperFood for Thought
Discover our super thoughts on the latest trends in food, nutrition and wellness and caring for the environment

Sustainable Sourcing: From Field to Spoon, Join the Chain with Hijo Superfoods
Since the pre-industrial period (between 1850 to 1900), we have been contributing to changes in the world’s weather patterns either directly or indirectly.

Flavor Forward: Riding the Health Wave with Hijo Superfoods
According to a World Health Organization report released in 2015, more than 1 out of 5
individuals will be aged 60 or older by 2050. Advances in medicine and treatment paved the way for longer lifespans.

Banana Flour as a Game-changing Ingredient
In the assortment of fruit-bearing trees in the tropics, one other tree easily comes to mind next to the coconut—the banana tree. Well, it’s actually not a tree but a plant. A huge one. In fact, it’s the biggest plant on Earth.